
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Entering Singapore from Malaysia - vice versa

Warning on drug trafficking

Petronas Twin Towers, KL -Malaysia

Mountain and highland of Sabah

Chinatown,KL Malaysia (left)

Merlion, Singapore

There are 2 ways that you can enter Singapore, either via Woodlands (common and easy but be ready for traffic during peak hours!)or through Tuas.

If you are a foreigner this would be quite a challenge!Even for a first timer or those who has been travelling into Singapore they might forget what to do.

You will be given a white form /entry form that you must fill up before entering Singapore. This slip will be taken at the Singapore check point. Part of the form will be returned to you. Make sure you do not lose it as it is required upon your departure out of Singapore.

Lets start with entering Singapore via Tuas as I am a regular user of this route. (This is if you are using a bus). You will first enter the Tanjung Kupang, Johor Checkpoint. Your coach will stop at the entry check or somewhere close to there. Walk in a choose your lane. After you are done with the stamping proceed to go out and look for your coach. Your coach will be waiting for you outside.

Next you will enter the Singapore checkpoint. Please remember that Singapore is very strict at the check points. You will see their police using riffles etc. Do not carry tobacco/cigarette more than one pack, and if you have one pack make sure you have opened and taken out one stick...doesn't matter what you do, just make sure its not there!If you carry liqour bottles- unopened, please go to the declared item lane. You will have to pay whatever is needed there. If you have an opened bottle, they would ask you to drink some on the spot. No chewing gums please!Americans beware!

The same procedure applies during entering Malaysia.You will be required to take down your luggage at country you are entering.

Whatever it is you are bringing into another country, make sure you know what the content is as I have seen many travellers carrying items or gifts for others which they do not know what the content is.

*Please take note that Malaysia and Singapore are very strict against any illegal drug substances usage. If you are found trafficking/carrying any sort or form of drug (not medication) , the death penalty will be upon you.

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